VexTech provides box elder extermination services for your home or business in Crystal Lake, Algonquin, Lake in the Hills, Huntley, Cary, Barrington and surrounding areas.

Boxelder Bug Control
The boxelder bug is found primarily on boxelder trees, as well as maple and ash trees. The adults are about a half inch long and brown or black, with red wings. They are prevalent in our area of McHenry County and northern Illinois.
They do not bite and are considered harmless. They can be tricky to keep out of your house, and if crushed, they emit a foul odor and may leave stains on walls or furniture.
In the fall, you may see box elder bugs gathering in groups on sidewalks, walls, tree trunks, or other sunny locations. The insects congregate for warmth. Adult box elder bugs survive the winter by seeking shelter in protected locations, and your house may be the perfect place for them to stay warm. As winter approaches, the bugs make their way through any cracks or crevices in your home’s exterior. They begin invading homes as soon as the temperatures begin to drop.
If you have had trouble with these bugs in the past or have started to see them appear already, we recommend exterior treatments over the course of spring, summer and fall.
All services include a minimum of 30 Day Warranty
Be fully covered with one of our Flexible Maintenance Plans
Have a Boxelder Bug Problem? We can help!